Drama Festival

Drama Festival 2025

Festival Week

Nov 2025

Temple Methodist Church
Upper High Street

Welcome to our Drama Festival

*Entries for the 2025 festival will open in September 2025*

There is a whole new interest in the world of performance

At the Taunton Drama Festival we try to combine all of the traditional elements you might expect to find in a Festival with a modern approach to Drama and the Performing Arts.

The quest to keep the syllabus fresh and relevant is an ongoing task and each year brings additions and deletions to our core programme.

The joy of Speech and Drama is that it is accessible to everyone. No equipment necessary – all you need is enthusiasm, and the benefits are enormous. The pursuit of excellence in performance will inevitably lead to the development of communication skills in general thus helping our young people to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

Our aim, as always, to keep the spirit of Festival buoyant and provide a positive experience for all entrants. We look forward to greeting you all in November!

2024 Festival Dates

Monday 11th NovemberVerse Speaking, Prepared Reading, Performance Poetry, Sight Reading and News ReadingTemple Methodist
Tuesday 12th NovemberPrepared Reading, Verse Speaking, Spoken Prose, Sight Reading, Spoken Word and Reading of Religious TextsTemple Methodist Church
Wednesday 13th / Thursday 14th NovemberNo Classes
Friday 15th NovemberActing, Sight Reading, Prepared Improvisation, Unprepared Improvisation and ShakespeareTemple Methodist Church

Please contact Laura Sewell the Drama Secretary, if you have any questions or queries.